Saturday, February 28, 2009

Picture - Shipmates

Back, Left to Right: Jimmie Prime, John Herring, Leonard Kretek
Front, Left to Right: Joseph Sandeffer, ? Erno, Joseph Canzone
Taken in Pearl Harbor while on liberty.


  1. Jimmie,

    What a fine photogrpah! Everyone is so young and looks so innocent.

    Whare had you been when this photograph was taken? Where were you heading afterward?

  2. Ken,
    We were heading back to the ship...we only an hour or two. I don't have a date, but I am guessing (I have a single stripe) late 1944 or early 1945.

  3. Just found your blog via a post at rootsweb. I was interested b/c my father in law served on the crew of the LCI(R)707 at Iwo Jima and Okinawa, among other places. I've been posting his letters home from this time period on my blog, so I wanted to see what others with similar experiences in WWII are writing and posting, too. Hope you'll be able to continue posting.
